Sunday, February 15, 2009


Dollhouse is Joss Whedon's (creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, and Firefly) new television series. The show aired on Friday the 13th, which is considered one of the worst days for television series to begin because most that due end up failing, but anyone who is familiar with Joss's work knows that he welcomes challenges. Diehard fans of the Whedonverse will not be dissappointed.
Dollhouse is about a corporation (reminds me of Wolfram & Hart) that takes on "volunteers" who want to change their lives for the better. The volunteer's memories are then wiped completely clean which are then imprinted with memories of otheres that help them do the job they are sold to due. The catch is once their memory is wiped clean they are incapable of thinking about anything until new memories are inserted, so they do not realize what is happening to them. That is until Echo begins to have flashes of her old memories. In theory this is a brillant idea because it allows the volunteers to lead completely different lives from day to day and never have to worry about the consquences of what they have done in the past or may do in the future. The only promblem is the people whose memories aren't erased which includes each volunteer's assaigned person to watch over them along with the doctors who administer their "treatments". The show stars favorites such as Eliza Dushku as Echo (Faith on BTVS, and Angel) and Amy Acker as Dr. Claire Saunders (Fred on Angel).

So far the show has 7 episodes completed and airs every Friday at 9:00 on FOX.


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